Couples Ibiza

This is an opportunity for you and your partner to spend time together in a beautiful, remote part of Ibiza.

Like a garden, relationships need tending to in order to be healthy and grow. The everyday stresses of modern life can make finding quality time together difficult and as a result long-term relationships often get into difficulties.

The stunning Island of Ibiza, long renowned for its healing qualities, is the perfect setting for you to relax and unwind together whilst also spending time exploring your relationship and untangling any difficulties.
We are therapists with several years experience in supporting couples to explore and resolve issues that arise such as intimacy, work, money, fertility/children and bereavement. We have designed a retreat that includes yoga, meditation, couple’s counseling and group work as well as plenty of free time to enjoy the island.

Please call for further details:
Prices include full board* in double rooms and all counseling yoga and meditation sessions.
Three Day Package:
Costs : Room with shower room shared with one other couple
En suite room

Seven Day Package
Costs: Room with shower room shared with one other couple
En suite room
* in 7 day package 6 days meals included to allow for one free day for you to go and explore the island